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Dec 31, 20191 min read
Speed performance claims - assessment by weather bureau binding?
Speed consumption disputes between charterers and owners are not uncommon. No matter how carefully these clauses are worded,...
Dec 31, 20191 min read
Shore scale, shortage claims & draft surveys
Those involved in bulk trade are frequently confronted with [paper] shortage claims with owners usually being on the loosing end when...
Dec 31, 20191 min read
NOR tendered but the vessel had only one anchor - is the NOR valid?
Is the NOR valid, notwithstanding the vessel had only one anchor at the time of tendering it? Point of dispute in London Arbitration...
Dec 31, 20191 min read
Two interesting disputes - margin for 'about'; and claiming for FO consumption
Two interesting Arbitration awards were handed last week, the first in relation to what margin should be allowed for “ABT” in regards to...
Dec 31, 20191 min read
Leaving the berth due to bad wx - laytime clock stops?
Ordering a vessel off the berth in anticipation of bad weather is standard protocol ports follow for safety reasons. This could (and does...
Nov 17, 20191 min read
An invalid NOR, a hurricane, force majeure, no cargo to load, and a vessel aground
An invalid NOR, a hurricane hitting the port, force majeure, no cargo to load, and a grounded vessel - the ingredients of London...
Oct 27, 20191 min read
Bad wx preventing barges from coming alongside - can laytime start?
Is a storm warning sufficient to interrupt laytime? and if bad weather prevents the lightering barges from coming alongside the mother...
Oct 13, 20191 min read
“SUB shippers/receivers 24h after…receiving all supporting docs” - when does the clock start?
Singapore Arbitration 03/19 recently addressed a seemingly straightforward question on 'subject' clause (in relation to vessel's...
Sep 15, 20191 min read
How 'excessive' must the marine growth be for bottom fouling clause to kick in?
Bottom fouling clauses are a standard feature of time charters. There are a variety of clauses and some make the transfer of burden for...
Jul 21, 20191 min read
Significant wave height and Douglas scale - are not the same
Significant wave height and Douglas scale are two very different measures of sea conditions. If C/P contains reference to both then which...
Feb 24, 20191 min read
The terminology 'cargo claims' can encompass financial losses?
As matter of ordinary language ‘cargo claims’ typically refer to physical loss of or damage to cargo. But can ‘financial losses’ suffered...
Jan 20, 20191 min read
Hold cleaning costs following carriage of a dirty cargo - claimable?
One longstanding principle of claiming damages for breach of contract, such as charterparty, is that the innocent party has to show what...
Anchor 1

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